Alejandro Gonzales-Irribarren

Bioinformatician focused on cancer genomics and multi-omics software-development with 4 years of experience.

Alejandro Gonzales-Irribarren

I'm a recently DVM graduate @ UNMSM, working as a bionformatics software developer @ Senckenberg Frankfurt. With strong foundations in multi-omics and medicine informatics, I enjoy developing high-performance software for genomics data. Currently, I work mostly with Rust, Python, Nextflow and R.

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Currently working in the Comparative Genomics team at Senckenberg Frankfurt, developing algorithms to resolve genome-wide annotations produced by orthology inference-based methods using long-read transcriptomics.
Right after graduation, I worked as Bioinformatics Assitant with Ph.D. Mirko Zimic at UPCH. Here, we studied the effect of the thermodynamic pressure on GC-related DNA mutations using over 60,000 E. coli generations.
During my last year at UNMSM, I worked as an Oncology Bioinformatics Intern at LIIGH-UNAM, where I investigated human/dog prostate cancer transcriptional parallelisms.
2018 - 2023
DVM at the National University of San Marcos. Graduated with the highest honors (Summa Cum Laude) after holding the 1st place during 6 consecutive years. Published 2 papers and 3 bioinformatic tools. Won 1 international congress and was recognized by the Pan American Veterinary Association.

What else have I done?